Broadcast a Transmission
Send a file via our satellite network that can be received by anyone with a Blockstream Satellite receiver.
Manage Transmission
Look up and delete or modify the fee for an existing transmission.
Message content
Upload the file you want to transmit via our satellite network.
Tip: Remember, your file can be received by anyone with a Blockstream Satellite receiver. If you want to send to a specific user or group, we recommend encrypting your file and distributing public keys to your intended recipients by other means.
1MB max file size limit
No file selected
The minimum bid is 1 mSat per byte or 1000 msats total. Use the minimum bid price or bid more to give your transmission higher priority in the queue.
Enter your bid in msats:
Save this Auth token and Transmission ID in a secure location. You may need it if you want to delete or re-prioritize(bump) your transmission in the queue. This is the only time your auth token will be displayed.
Transmission ID:
Your Authentication Code:
Once the lightning invoice is paid, the transmission will be added to the queue.
Our Node: 03f21fc2e8ab0540eeb74dd715b5b66638ec1cd392db00009b320b3ed8c409bd57@